Parent Survey on Remote Learning at St. Michael's NS
Thank you most sincerely for your recent feedback to the survey on remote learning at St. Michael's NS. Your opinions and ideas are important to us as we plan ahead for the remainder of the final term. This situation is new to us all and so your feedback is key to planning ahead.
Please find below a summary of the findings:
A total of 34 responses were recorded, which is 80% of our families.
88% of respondents said that remote learning was "manageable."
91% of respondents said there was enough work being sent by teachers to pupils.
Regarding school communication during the school closure, 100% said communication was excellent, very good or good.
58% of people said they preferred work from textbooks, while 38% liked a mix between web and textbook work, 4% said they'd like web-based activities.
The comments were noted at the end. On the whole parents liked the weekly plan sent by teachers and found it helpful to keep track of learning at home. Some parents liked the video messages sent by teachers and found it beneficial to keep children familiar with their teacher and on task. It also alerted us to the fact that many parents continue to work during this crisis and are trying their best to juggle work and support their children's learning at home.
Many thanks for taking the time to respond to the survey.